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The “Green” Revolution Rolls On

Posted on June 6, 2017 by David Gillman

Someone messaged me to point out my title of the “Green” Revolution last week might also refer to IBM i and its heritage with green screen terminal interfaces.

I think that idea is a valid and reasonable path of thought to go down this week. Machine learning and advanced analytics need real data to create meaningful and useful models. IBM i is at the heart of your real data as in data that is really useful. IBM i contains transaction records, customer records, payment records, and other concrete data points for businesses. 

While your IBM Db2 on i database probably does not store production machine sensor data, product environmental condition information, or other larger volume data flows, those same data flows almost always need to be tied to the transaction, product, and customer data from IBM Db2 on i to create useful machine learning models, advanced analytic visualizations, and so on.

IBM Db2 on i data is critical to the success of many commercial analytics projects. I wish IBM would give a nod to that heritage in its current marketing.

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