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Happy Unplugged Holidays!

Posted on December 18, 2015 by Teresa Moy

holiday tree cordLast month, we wrote a post on business and social media. Now with the holiday season in full swing, I’d like to redirect our focus to be less techie. Everywhere we go, we see people attached to their mobile devices, gazing at Facebook, checking email, or texting—even when they’re socializing with family and friends.

Don’t get me wrong; today's technology allows us to communicate quickly and efficiently. With a single click, we can say “Happy Holidays!” and send a cute picture of Fido in his Santa hat to hundreds of people. But during this festive time, let’s try to minimize the tech and look into the faces of our family and friends. Let’s call our faraway loved ones instead of texting them. Let’s remember to look around and feel the magic and awe of the holiday season.

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