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Archives: November 2015

Virtual Education Overcomes the Time, Cost and Travel Barrier

Posted on November 17, 2015 by Bill Langston

We regularly hear customers say they need and want ongoing education but can’t leave their office to attend a conference, user group meeting, or training class. This problem might be due to job duties, budget, or family obligations. We certainly understand. Read more arrow

Data Science

Posted on November 10, 2015 by David Gillman

New terms come up all the time for IT people. A really interesting new one is “Data Science” and its corresponding job title, “Data Scientist.”

A month ago, I did a video on data science, based on my background, education, and work in this area. There is not much in the video about the IBM i, but it is still one IBM i IT people should view. Read more arrow

Social Media and the Enterprise IT Professional

Posted on November 3, 2015 by Bill Langston

We’re contacted every day by companies who tell us we should hire them to help us gain a competitive advantage and reach new customers through social media. These consultants and vendors say it’s critical for us to have a strong presence on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. because social media is where our customers and potential customers are spending their time and seeking information. It’s an interesting theory, but our experience tells us this isn’t the case. Read more arrow

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